Assistance to domestic violence victims
Domestic violence must never been silenced, even in hard times. Here are some resources that ALPA found to assist you.
SOS violence conjugale
1 800 363-9010
Telephone, listening, information and referral line for victims of domestic violence and their families.
24 hours / 7 days
Grouping of houses for women victims of violence
The Regroupement allows women victims of domestic violence to find a place of accommodation for themselves and their children. The addresses are confidential, but if necessary, you can find a house by consulting this page:
Spousal assistance service
514 384-6296
This organization offers help to men in marital difficulties through a telephone intervention.
Halte-Femmes Montreal-North
514 328-2055
The organization offers telephone services to women victims of domestic violence.
514 270-8462
Emergency line available for men with problems of domestic violence.
West Island Women's Refuge
514 620-4845 ext 221
The Refuge offers safe, confidential and free accommodation and services to women victims of conjugal violence and their children.
La Dauphinelle - Home for women
514 598-7779
La Dauphinelle helps, shelters and supports women victims of physical or psychological violence, as well as their children.