About ALPA

Our mission is to deliver custom-made integration, francisation and job assistance services to immigrants so that they can make their dreams come true and contribute to the prosperity of the Quebec and its region.
Humanism: Enhance and promote the development of human qualities.
Credibility: Inspire trust and respect through the quality of the services delivered and the professionalism of the team.
Collaboration: Teamwork enforcement, build relationships with key partners and develop relationships with mutual benefits.
Innovation: Reevaluate the habits to constantly get better in finding ways to achieve the goals.
Performance: Put the immigrant and the organization in a position of success by setting high but achievable performance targets
Characteristics of the intervention mode
Immigrants go through a significant loss of reference due to the migratory process. To find themselves in a new environment with different rules, new and often implicite codes, and an almost non-existent professional network, demand a different and specific type of assistance.
The originality in our intervention lies in the intercultural approach and the practices learned, which get materialized into a real capacity to understand the reference frame of the immigrant and then connect it to Quebec’s reference frame to ease mutual comprehension. Everyone gets an attentive, active and respectful listening and the recognition of their individual and migratory background. That allows our social workers to be able to build trust with the immigrants and also to help them go through the learning of the society.